Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Sweeney: ABC – Google TV Deal “Not Close”

In an interview with Reuters, Disney TV chief Anne Sweeney said that although they are in discussions with Google and have seen several demonstrations, ABC is "not close" to doing a deal to provide its content to the Google TV platform. This comes on the heels of both CBS and NBC blocking their content from Google TV.

Sweeney mentioned that piracy is one of the primary concerns, going so far as to say that it was unacceptable to ABC that the Google search platform present pirate sites when consumers search for ABC content on the web. Further, Sweeney indicated that ABC's web strategy is to provide limited programming from current seasons with wider access to prior season programming in order to drive value to the programming that is being shown on the broadcast network - moving the content through windows in a similar fashion as feature films.

In an age of instant Internet gratification and with the lesson of Napster fresh in their memories, it is little wonder that piracy is an issue for the broadcasters. They are being pressured by affiliates and cable operators who are telling them that putting content on the Internet lessens its value. Meanwhile, Gen X, Y and Millennial consumers are accustomed to having content served up at their convenience at a time and place and on the device of their choosing. They are less concerned with how it gets to them and not even remotely concerned with the content owners' business model.

Network executive like Sweeney are paid to follow the money. They are not going to jeopardize broadcast and cable dollars for digital pennies. Meanwhile, a significant portion of the Internet generation believes that content wants to be free; an attitude that undermines the business model of the content owners.

For now it looks like Google TV is on the market with only a limited amount of content. Absent providing "one stop shopping" with a line-up of content that more closely mirrors that of cable and satellite providers, Google TV is destined to be a niche curiosity product. Major content owners will not give away their product cheaply and will continue to demand assurances of security. Until Google can address the "fear of Napsterization", the big players will take meeting but won't be signing any deals soon.

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